EEOICPA PROGRAM UPDATE:  Clarity about Recent Government Shutdown Concerns   READ MORE

EEOICPA Program Update: Government Shutdown Concerns

To All Giving Stakeholders – Employees, Caregivers, and, most importantly, Our Patients:

We hope this message finds you well. There is a significant amount of recent news coverage and
conversations concerning the possibility of a government shutdown this weekend, including discussions concerning how a shutdown may impact the EEOICPA Program (Energy Program). Our goal with this communication is to provide clarity, reassurance, and the most current information available.

Key Takeaways:

  • Minimal Impact Expected: Despite ongoing discussions about a government funding shutdown this weekend, we want to clearly emphasize that any effects on the Energy Program are expected to be minimal. The Department of Labor (DOL) has assured us directly that funding for healthcare services and benefits will remain intact.
  • Mandatory Funding Protection: Energy Program benefits are funded through mandatory federal appropriations, not discretionary funds. This critical distinction ensures that healthcare and benefits under the Energy Program are safe, even during government shutdowns or temporary funding pauses.
  • Uninterrupted Services and Support: While there may be some slowdown in claims processing that Giving Home experiences, we do not expect any disruption to in-home medical care, payments related to such care, or access to durable medical equipment or pharmacy services. For our patients (and their caregivers), your care remains fully funded and secure.
  • Continued Monitoring: Giving Home remains actively engaged with the DOL and other federal agencies. We will continue to monitor developments closely and proactively communicate any significant updates or changes that could affect our community.

Your confidence and peace of mind are paramount to us. Should you have any concerns or require additional reassurance, please contact Ben Hanson directly. He can be reached directly by email at or by phone at (512) 619-2922. We remain committed to providing uninterrupted, high-quality care and ongoing support.

Thank you for your continued trust in Giving Home.

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